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How Does an Oil-Water Separator Work?

August 18, 2023

If you're trying to have access to clean water, it may be necessary to purchase equipment to remove anything that shouldn't be present in it. An oil-water separator is a device used to remove oil, grease, and hydrocarbons from the water before it's discharged to the water waste treatment center or the environment. Oil water separators are essential equipment for many industries. This article will take a closer look at how these machines separate oil from water.

Gravity Does It's Part

The first step in the oil-water separation process is gravity. Oil is lighter than water. The oil will rise to the top when it enters the separator as an oil-water mix. However, highly viscous oil will clog the filter, so the viscosity must stay within 1000 mm2/s according to the Environmental Protection Agency. To ensure you have a separator that's of the highest quality, work with a company that's certified by the EPA.

Coalescing Plates Take Over

Gravity alone can't separate water and oil all alone. The rising oil and grease droplets often exist as smaller dispersed particles, which can be difficult to remove solely through gravity separation. To enhance the separation, the separator is equipped with coalescing plates. The plates are designed to attract oil particles to bring them together to make them easier to remove. When looking for assistance with a separator, hire a company that's family-owned in order to receive reliable and timely services.

Skimmers Work in Conjunction

While gravity is pulling the water and the oil apart and the coalescing plates are combining all the oil droplets together, the skimmer is skimming the oil off the surface of the water. All three parts of the process work together to separate the oil and water. Each part plays an important role in ensuring the success of the process. If your system is experiencing issues, be sure to work with a company that offers video inspections. These will allow experts to easily identify problems and recommend appropriate solutions to address them.

Oil-water separators can be customized for any industry and can be an essential piece of equipment for many. These machines are essential in reducing the industry's effect on the environment. Learn more about how a separator can keep your business compliant by calling Bluffton Aeration today.

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